Spotlighting Jeannie Duffy, A Las Vegas Model & Royal Flush Girl

Today’s spotlight goes to Jeannie Duffy, a Las Vegas model and Royal Flush Girl of the World Poker Tour. Las Vegas women use the word “model” very loosely, but when referring to Jeannie Duffy, I’m proud to say this girl is a real Las Vegas model and a friend to many people in the Las Vegas nightlife.
I’ve had the pleasure in knowing this woman for many years now and I can’t recall if I’ve ever seen her not wearing a smile. She’s passionate, humble in her life experiences and every gig and contest she ever wins, you’d think it was her first considering her positive and grateful attitude.
If you ever get an opportunity to meet Jeannie, most likely she will greet you with a hug and a large smile asking how you are and mean it.