Pulse Nightclub In Las Vegas Using Celebrity Artists To Con Customers?

It has been brought to my attention that unethical business is happening in downtown Las Vegas. According to a person who wishes to remain anonymous, Pulse Nightclub in downtown Las Vegas is using artist’s names and pictures for events when the artist themselves have never been booked or intended to show up in the first place in order to get people to pay to attend the event. The anonymous person explained it happened last big fight weekend in Vegas and promised the patrons that “Future”, a popular artist was going to show up and perform. The anonymous person sent in an email with the following info:
“Pulse Nightclub downtown – they took in $40,000+ in cover for the artist Future to do a show, but never produced the artist. Blamed the artist and kept all the money. Then pulled the same scam a few months later (last weekend). She partnered with a guy named CLIFF who ran “Lollypops” for a few months and same thing, never produced artists, stiffed customers and employees. It’s a mess.”
Not even a week later, the anonymous person emails me proof of it happening again this weekend for the Mayweather fight weekend in Vegas, but they are using the artist Trina this time. Trina had no intention of coming to Las Vegas this weekend and even Facebooked that she will NOT be visiting and will be in Miami. Trina got word that her name and images are being used to make it look like she will be there at Pulse Nightclub so the venue can charge a cover and make money using her name. All flyers and promotion with Pulse Nightclub and its employees continue to show Trina will be there even after Trina announced she will not.
People on social media are upset and speak up about the news of Trina not being there:
“ONLY IN VEGAS would a club outright lie to the people about an artist performance CLEARLY KNOWING the artist is in Miami tonight. They pulled the same crap last fight weekend with FUTURE. Took people’s cover, called Metro to make people leave without getting their money back, and now, it’s the same thing all over again with total disregard for public safety, our tax money, consumer rights, and the reputations of the local promoters who trust them. Here’s the proof in black and white. It’s ridiculous. Trina still being advertised all over their social media with other false advertising.”