Getting To Know Las Vegas News Anchor, Dayna Roselli

1. Where are you from?
I was born in New Jersey, but we moved to Rochester, New York when I was young and I grew up there.
2. Where did your career start and how did you become a news anchor?
My career started right out of college, I was an assignment editor at WROC-TV in Rochester, New York. I had worked on an on air resume tape in college and at WROC, so shortly after, in December of 1997, I got my first on-air job at Time Warner Cable 8 News in Jamestown, New York. I was a reporter and fill-in anchor. From, there I got my first full-time news anchor job at the NBC in Elmira, New York. I was hired as the morning anchor.
3. You have lived in Las Vegas a while, but originally from Upstate New York. Why did you move here and do you plan on staying here and retiring? If not, where would you like to end up?
I moved here because I wanted to see what living out west would be like. I applied for a job at a Helicopter Reporter at CBS, and got it right away. I do plan on staying for a while. I love it here.
4. You had a solid career as a Morning News Co-Anchor at KLAS-TV (CBS – Channel 8 News) in Las Vegas. How long were you there and why did you recently decide to leave? What was your favorite part about this job?
I didn’t decide to leave. The station decided for me. They asked me to leave last June. They changed up their morning newscast, and I wasn’t a part of the plan. I worked there for 8 and a half years. My favorite part about the job, was waking people up and knowing I had a role in how their day would start. I love interacting with viewers. I also loved the conversations we would have on-air and the live interviews. I loved my job. I loved every part of it, really.
5. You actively get involved with a lot of charity events in Las Vegas. When did this become a passion for you and what is your favorite cause to raise awareness/money for?
I saw how much it meant to certain charities to have a spokesperson or help getting the word out. It’s tough to raise money sometimes, and get your voice heard in the community. I’m glad that I can have an impact, and make that happen. I love helping the Animal Foundation. I also support fashion stylist Jenna Doughton’s “Style With A Cause” initiative. Inspiring women through fashion and beauty. Right now I am also helping my friend Jaymes Vaughan (who sings in Show in The Sky at Rio and hosts for Chippendales) raise money for his Dad’s very expensive cancer treatments and raise awareness about cancer in general through …. there are so many organizations in this town, I like to spread the love and help wherever I can.
6. You have many fans and people that love you anticipating your next move. What’s next for Dayna and her career?
Recently I decided I will most likely stay in Las Vegas. I love it here. I love the people, places, and the community. I get at least 5 letters of support every single day. People stop me where ever I go. I have had so much support from my family, friends, colleagues, publicists, and industry leaders. How can I leave? I have 5 months left on my non-compete, so I plan to ride it out, and resurface in the media. Of course, I am open to jobs outside of Las Vegas too. I recently signed with a new agent, and listen to every possible offer and inquiry. It just has to feel right. I plan on being on television again soon.
7. You were married to a man you said in the media is a great guy. Are you comfortable discussing why you 2 were divorced and what do you think could have been done different in order to keep the marriage together?
He IS a great guy. The decision was mutual. We are still very close. There is no drama attached to our divorce. In fact, we often laugh when people try to make it seem the opposite. What could we have done differently? If we knew, we would have done it.
8. Would you ever marry again?
9. You don’t have children. Do you see kids in your future some day? If so, how many max would you want?
Yes, I would like a child. I would say 2 max because of my age. I want to make sure it’s safe. I hope for at least one.
10. You seem to have many friends in Las Vegas. Who could you say are your closest friends and why?
In Las Vegas… I would say Melissa Duran (owner of Patty’s Closet Northwest) and Chris Saldana (TV News Anchor) are my closest friends. We have bonded over the years, they know pretty much everything about me. We all worked at the same TV station at some point. We are all loyal to each other and have each other’s backs no matter what. They are good people, and they too, love Las Vegas. We share that. We’ve had some major ups and downs, but we get through it together. I am also close with Mike Doria who works for US Weekly. He and I are from the same home town, and worked in Rochester, NY together.
11. You’re a stunning and wanted woman. What turns on Dayna in a man?
I am a bit old fashioned. So, I like a man that makes me feel special. A man who calls me instead of texts me all the time. I man that picks me up, instead of meets me there and who walks beside me, not in front of me. I also like interesting conversation. Oh, and humor. They must be funny!
12. What do you consider a perfect date and what gets your attention?
A perfect date includes conversation and laughter somewhere cozy. Dinner is always nice, but it’s so confined to one area. Recently, I had a date tell me he wanted to walk with me. So we ate, then we walked, talked, and people watched. I loved it. A man that wants to spend time with YOU instead of having someone to just go out with, is a turn on.
13. You’ve interviewed Bill Clinton while he was president which I think would be my ultimate interview. If you had the chance to interview that 1 person you could call it an ultimate interview, who would it be and why?
Hmmm, well I’d love to interview Tom Cruise. Not at a movie junket, but a real sit down one on one interview. He doesn’t do them often. Not only am I a big fan of his work, I find him extremely interesting. People judge what he does and what he believes in. To me, it’s never affected how I feel about him as an actor. I would like to really pull some emotion out of him, and learn more about his life. In his own words, instead of everyone else’s.
14. What are famous words you live by to stay positive and motivated?
Currently, it’s the screen saver on my phone. “Courage is the power to let go of the familiar.” This is a major part of my life right now. Leaving who and what you are comfortable with is tough. Change is good, but change can be difficult. That quote motivates me, because sometimes change isn’t your choice. Having courage to get through it means you are strong. I like to be strong. I think I’m a pretty strong woman. It worked, I’m really happy right now.
15. What is one thing in 2013 you wish to accomplish?
I will have to say a new job, since I’m not currently working right now. A new job that I love as much as I loved my last.
16. If you could take one thing back in life and do it different, what would it be and why?
I wouldn’t take back a thing. Not one thing. I’ve worked hard and set goals. I’ve made some major decisions in my life and done things all on my own, with the support of my family, and I don’t regret any of them.
17. What is 1 thing people don’t know about you?
I think since I’m pretty open on social media, people think they know a lot about me. But, I am actually very guarded. I don’t open up fully to just anyone. Very few. You won’t see me often rant about my love life with quotes and emotion on twitter or facebook. I may chime in here and there though. I guess I would say, what they don’t know is that I’m pretty private. I think it seems the opposite since I share a lot with my followers.
18. Where do you see yourself in 5 years? What are your goals?
I would like to get back on TV soon and see where it goes. I wouldn’t mind working for a major network, doing what I love. Hosting. Aside from work though, I want to find love. I really do. My goal is to find someone I connect with, that brings me consistent joy.
19. Of all places you have visited, what was your favorite place to visit and why?
I loved the South Pacific. Tahiti and all the surrounding islands. It was the most beautiful, peaceful place I have ever been. It wasn’t touristy, but it was lush! Green trees, clear water, sand, and rainbows. Most of the land was untouched. It was a like a dream, really.
20. You’re a fan of Las Vegas nightlife. What are your favorite places to go out to and why? Please include your top nightclubs and restaurants.
If I’m going to a nightclub, I’d have to say the Chateau patio is my favorite, because of the view. I also recently went to THE ACT at the Palazzo. I loved the performances inside the nightclub, it made for a great experience. I really enjoy Hyde at the Bellagio too. I actually don’t go to “nightclubs” often. I often go to lounges, shows, and restaurants.
My favorite restaurants are… for casual, Todd English Pub and the new Meatball Spot at Town Square. If I go a little nicer, I love the new Javier’s at Aria! The food and drinks are so good. I also enjoy Lavo at Palazzo. Steak at Jean Georges. I also LOVE the food and wine at Il Mulino New York at Caesars Palace.
21. What advice can you give others who are aspiring news anchors to help with their career?
You must be driven. You have to work hard. Be aware that you will make very little money at first, but if you work hard and are good at your job, you will climb the ladder quickly. I always say, make sure you do internships in college. It’s a MUST. Work in a real TV station and see it first hand. It’s not as glamorous as everyone thinks! So you must be prepared for that. Keep up to date on current events and what people are talking about. If you love it, you will shine.