4 Important Tips To Not Embarrass Yourself In A Club

1. Keep your shoes on at all times
Taking your shoes off in a nightclub is not only disgusting, but very dangerous. Be aware of germs and broken glass. If you can’t wear the pair of shoes you chose to go to the club in, don’t wear them. It’s that simple.
2. Don’t be a bottle rat
Although this seems to be a growing trend in the club, be courteous with other people’s VIP table. It wasn’t cheap. Don’t invade the table unless you’re invited. You may extend a gracious tip per girl in your group to the owner of the table to show your gratitude.
3. Come prepared
Don’t be that friend that came to Vegas and wanted VIP bottle service, but didn’t bring enough money to support the group. It’s probably very embarrassing being the broke friend. Always make effort to be the head of the table.
4. Don’t get too drunk
It’s Vegas, everyone wants to rage like it’s 1999 and consume a ton of alcohol. Be responsible when drinking. Drink plenty of water as it gets 118 degrees during the summer in Las Vegas. I’ve seen multiple people get hammered during the day and within no time, pass out in the middle of the crowd due to heat exhaustion. That person always ends up being the joke of the trip.